Sunday, March 22, 2009

New Do....

Kenyon has decided she is a ponytail girl. She loves for Miss Kim to put her hair up in a rubber band. I try it and she promptly pulls it out. Lucky for her I don't use those bands with the plastic balls on it like mom did.

They would slip and crack her on the knuckles. She would cuss and pull our hair tighter until she was mad as hell and we were crying. Whoever invented those must not have been a mom.

I remember when Hank would fix Sara's hair to take her to daycare. By the time I picked her up at the end of the day her pigtails were lopsided and halfway undone. I could always tell how good of a day she had by how messed up her hair was.
With Kenyon it is how messy is her shirt. Non of the other kids in her class seem to get near as dirty or have half the amount of sand in their shoes at the end of the day.

1 comment:

Amy said...

I love her pony tails! Jules will NOT let us do that.