Sunday, April 12, 2009

Happy Easter!

Hope the Easter Bunny made it to every one's door last night. We are hoping he left some extra fertilizer in our garden so our tomato plants will grow.

We had a huge rainstorm come in last night. It dumped quite a bit of rain on our yard that really hasn't dried out from the two previous storms over the last few weeks.

Anyhoo...Kenyon experienced her first real Easter Basket. She opened the eggs and announced, "OOOh Canny" Then promptly stuffed several jelly beans in her mouth and dropped the rest on the floor.

As you can tell they make a potato head for every occasion. We are now up to five adults and two baby taters. It has become an obsession for her parents. Kenyon just likes dumping all the pieces on the floor and sticking them up her nose. I think we will take a hiatus from potato buying unless they are the cooking kind.

Sara got a new wallet and an iTunes gift card for her iPod Nano that she has. And we added a new Littlest Pet Shop to her collection. She is not the proud owner of a hermit crab. Kenyon got her first LPS. It was a baby monkey. She opened it and started saying, "monkey" and making the OOOHHHH OHHOHH sounds while itching her sides like all monkeys do.

Both girls got matching wiener dogs that are dressed like hot dogs. they are pretty stinking cute and it supported the March of Dimes.

It was a good morning, but unfortunately the cloud of departure day is hanging over us much darker than the rain clouds.

Happy Easter to All! Watch out for the little brown eggs for they may not be junior mints or milk duds!

Saturday, April 11, 2009

Stockyards Part Two

Headed back to the Stockyards today for a frontier show. It was fun. Kenyon kept yelling "horsey" and pointing at the riders. She had a great time eating popcorn and clapping. She even got to pet the horses after the show. She wasn't too sure about that.

The show had singing cowboys, ropers and trick riders. Sara and I agreed we would have like to have seen some women riders. There were all men riders and one belly baring assistant that got the twig snapped out of her mouth by the bull whip. That is all I'm gonna say about that.

After the show we managed to time it just right to see the longhorns parade down Main St. They were HUGE with BIG FAT HORNS! Don't want to be on the receiving end of that.

To wrap up the day we went to Joe T Garcia's for dinner. Needless to say we are thoroughly stuffed with fajitas. Another great day.
Tomorrow is Easter and we are having a big breakfast since Sara will head to the airport at lunchtime. The week has gone by much too quickly....but then again it always does.

Her next visit will be for the month of July. She will be here to celebrate the firecracker bdays...Poppy, Kenyon and me.

Check Mate

Hank and Sara headed over tot he TCC Northeast campus to play chess on the giant board. It was reported that a small group of smarty college kids were talking smack and giving pointers. One challenged Hank after he finished his game with Sara. Although Hank maintained his pride, the collegiate know-it-all had bragging rights to beating the "old guy"

Friday, April 10, 2009

Kenyon's playdate

Since our anniversary was yesterday our friend Amy took pity and offered to babysit for Kenyon (Sara was her helper). She brought along Jules for the fun of it. Those girls had a great time. We got home just after 11 pm. Kenyon had fallen asleep watching Spirit just before we got home. She has never stayed up that late before!

By the time we got home Jules was still awake! Poor Amy. Kenyon managed to sleep until 6 am. That was the best we got this morning. Needless to say she was a bit of a bear trying to get her ready for school this morning.

Thanks, Amy! We had a great time at the Jubilee Theater in downtown Fort Worth. We even splurged on a 1/2 lb box of chocolates at a nearby chocolate factory. We brought a white chocolate armadillo home for Sara to take back to her friend, Tempe, as a "Howdy from Texas!"

It's A Zoo Out There....

Wednesday was a beautiful day! We headed to the zoo. It was Miss K's first trip to meet the animals. We practiced her zoo animals sounds for a couple of days prior to the trip. We had a great time. I don't know what was more entertaining the animals or watching Kenyon's reaction. We finally gave in and let her out of the stroller, or "ro ro" as she calls it. She ran and ran and ran. Which means we ran and ran and ran.

Kenyon's favorites among many was the monkey's she kept pointing and saying "monkey" and then making the HOOHOO WHOOWHOO sound of a monkey. As we were leaving the monkey house she wanted "mo mo monkey"

We visited the parakeet house and fed the birds. Of all of the birds flying around the one that Kenyon and I wound up with had some kind of crusty eye disease or something. Hank, on the other hand, got to see a cockatil doing it with a parakeet. I kept waiting for the bow chicka chick a bowbow music to start playing. We didn't get a picture. And if we did I wouldn't post it. This is a family blog after all. Okay well yes I would have. It would be just too funny to not post.
Although Sara had been to the zoo several times and attended camp there last year she had fun too. She really wasn't bored in this picture, I just caught her mid-yawn. Or so that's what she said. We are approaching the stage where your parents just aren't cool anymore.

Other favorites at the zoo were the white tiger and the "tur-tils" (turtles) As you can see Kenyon was talking to the turtle. She kept calling him Tuck from Wonder Pets.

Being Spring love was definitely in the air, besides the parakeet love fest going on we did manage to see some lizard love.

All in all a good day was had by all. The adults decided four hours at the zoo was just enough time to get totally exhausted!

The Stockyards

Tuesday we spent the afternoon at the Ft Worth Stockyards. We had a great time. Kenyon had her first experience with a Longhorn. Afterwards she kept saying in the most pathetic voice, "cow moo, cow moo..." It was so sad. Needless to say she came home with a toy longhorn. (Amy, I know you are giving the hook'em sign now)
Once we tore her away from the cow, we went to the cowboy
hall of fame. It was interesting. Tommy Lee Jones and the guy from Northern Exposure were inducted this year. They had a large collection of old wagons. Kenyon was excited to see horses. IT was all about "more horsey"

We will head back to the stockyards on Saturday for a wild west show. Sara did a report on Annie Oakley in school this year so we thought it would be fun to see what kind of tricks she had up her leather sleeve!
Hank found a book on the Buffalo Girls at Half Price Books. Sara was excited to read more about the trick shows of the west.

Thursday, April 9, 2009

An Open Letter to My Husband On Our Anniversary

Four years ago today I walked down the path to begin a new life with you. I chose you then and I get up every day and choose you all over again. You are my heart and my soul.

Today I pause to reflect on all the reasons I love you so much. I love you for the father you are. When you are studying and Kenyon runs up to you with a book you take the time to sit with her and read. You know that is a moment you won’t get back. I love when you and Sara sit at the dining table, heads together working on the latest electronics project. You are so patient explaining to her the wiring and why the green goes with the green.

I love you for being my best friend. You make me laugh until I have to run to the bathroom. When we act out the Three Stooges or when you don’t mind that I quote the Little Rascals I love you even more.

I love that you want to continue learning. I see how challenging it is to balance work, family, and school. You may not always feel you get it right, but you keep trying; I can see it matters to you. I admire that. Staying up late to study, quietly sneaking in bed trying not to wake me knowing you have to get up in a few hours and do it all over again.

I love that we share our thoughts on the world, what we want for our daughters, and how we can continue to nurture our family. You are a man who was meant to raise smart, responsible, strong girls to womanhood. You offer kindness and love tempered with toughness and savvy that will see them through the dark times. You are their compass.

I love that you garden. A willingness to plant the seeds and tend the crops is a direct correlation to our relationship. You get that it take time to build and nurture a life-long commitment. You remind me over and over again to be patient. Blooms don’t happen overnight. It warms me to see you walk the garden each morning or each night keeping vigil over the tiny seedlings' development. You are the sentry of our family; always on watch.

Your concoctions in the kitchen and in the garage demonstrate to me over and over an adventurous side that I often forget to explore. You remind me seriousness is overrated and to appreciate the thrill of the unknown.

As you stated when you proposed, it has not always been easy, but having you by my side has made the rough times smoother and the good times that much sweeter. Thank you for the love and understanding you so freely give unconditionally. I love you with everything that I am, and all that I have. I look forward to a lifetime of choosing you.

My love always,

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Potty Training

Kenyon is warming up to the idea of potty training. The other day she insisted on sitting on the big girl potty....
It is still hit or miss whether or not she wants to use the potty, but we keep talking about it. We know there is plenty of time and like her mom and dad she will do things at her own pace. In other words when she is darn good and ready!

Typical Sunday morning at the Johnson's

Last week I took several pictures to capture a typical lazy day. It was nice not having to be anywhere or have anything pressing to do.

There was music time...

There were cartoons and time with Daddy....

As the day wore on there was popcorn. This was the first time Kenyon had popcorn. She couldn't cram it into her mouth quickly enough. She really liked trying to get the unpopped kernels in her mouth.

Monday, April 6, 2009

Off to the races

Hank and Sara went to Kennedale to see Hank's co-worker, Curtis race cars. They had a great time. Kenyon & I stayed home because I had fears that we would get there and she would scream from the loud noise. She can't stand it whe the blender or vacuum runs. Go figure.


Sara is home and that means fun in the sun! Kenyon i sso excited to see her. they had a big time on the swings. Notice Kenyon has graduated to the big girl swing.
Anything big sis does little sis has to copy. We are very blessed that Sara, despite the 10 year age difference, loves to spend time with Kenyon.

A rose by any other name....

My roses have begun to bloom. Gosh I love spring!