Thursday, January 31, 2008

We had a milestone this week. Miss K began to crawl. She is still tentative, but she has figured out if she puts her hands out, picks them up, and moves her knees she just might get somewhere. Up until now she would get up on her hand and knees and rock back and forth all the while whining because she wasn't going anywhere.

This was promptly followed by collapsing face first on to the carpet in disgust. The dogs are not too sure about her new found independence. As you can see from these pictures they are in for a merry chase.
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Host unlimited photos at for FREE!

We are all still fighting the respiratory crud. Hank & I have reduced ourselves to hanging over Kenyon while we give her breathing treatments just to get a bit of steam. I swear we are all just passing it back and forth.

I lost the first weigh in for the Biggest Loser. Hank lost 3 pounds and I lost two. It isn't fair that he can finish off the last of a carton of Blue Bell Homemade Vanilla ice cream and still lose weight. Damn men and their fast metabolisms. It is wasted on a species whoe doesn't care how many months pregnant their beer gut makes them look. He is still trying to decide what my task is going to be, but if he doesn't hurry up time will run out. Our next weigh in is Monday.

Mom & Dad will be here on Saturday. They will not believe how big our little one has gotten. As of Monday she is 20 pounds and change. Host unlimited photos at for FREE! She will be walking before we know it.

We are very excited that Nana will be joining us in February for Sara's next visit. She hasn't seen Kenyon since she was three weeks old. I know it has been very difficult admiring Miss K from afar. Don't worry she had been saving some special kisses just for you, Nana.

On a serious note, please pray for my friend Gayle and her family. Her sister is going through a medical issue and could use a special thought or small prayer. Our friend Mike made it back from Iraq this month and will return in March, and last we hear Rob is scheduled to be deployed in February. Please keep the soliders that you know and those you don't in your thoughts and prayers. Pray for peace in the region and peace of mind for the families.

The baby count rises, Jess had her baby boy, Aiden. Julie is down to her last two weeks. Erin (not sister Erin, bookclub Erin) has a few weeks left as does Amy (cousin Amy, not bookclub Amy) That will leave Pam and Beth. By the time Pam delivers everyone in booklub will have had a baby since last January. We joke that we should write a book called, "The Bookclub Girl's Guide to Getting Knocked Up" We could have all kinds of literary references to getting PG, delivering, and parenting. I think we have something here.

Monday, January 21, 2008

I am the Walrus....

No teeth for Kenyon, yet, but she loves using her binky as a chew toy. She cracks me up with the different ways she finds to cram that thing in her mouth. She will stick her thumb all the way in the nipple part and carry it around that way. I don't mind because she doesn't drop it so much. The other day, she was playing on the floor with it stuck on her thumb and every once in a while she would stop and stick it in her mouth.
Hank & I did our first weigh in for the Biggest Loser. I have bookclub tonight so I told him he could have the rest of the ravioli for dinner, he accused me of trying to make him lose the contest. I told him whatever.
We were both off today so we went to the movies and saw P.S. I Love You. It was a very sweet movie. It was the first movie we went to see since the 8th month of my pregnancy. We went to childbirth class and then went to see Knocked Up. It was a baby themed day.

Kenyon is getting to be mobile, we need to babyproof the house. Jackson gave us a test over the weekend. She still can't sit up on her own, but she will lean on one hand and play with the other. It is funny. She has also discovered Hank's hat. She loves trying to grab it off his head.

Our girl has learned to stand on her own feet. Hank helped her stand and she hangs on to the edge of the Pack n Play. She is trying so hard to get moving and shaking well before we or the house is ready for her to be mobile. Our house is a death trap right now.
Uncle Omar and Aunt Emma gave Kenyon her A&M t-shirt for Christmas. I managed to get a snap shot of her wearing it for the first time, but then she had a blow-out and I had to change her.
Hank thought it was kind of funny that she pooped on A&M.

Sunday, January 20, 2008

Happy New Year!

Better late than never. I can't seem to get ahead of the game this month, I can't believe January is inching to the end of the month. This year I am committed to kicking the blog up a notch, so I am going to try out a few new things. One of them is adding slide shows for certain groups of pictures. You are looking at my first slide show. This is Kenyon on Christmas day rolling around with some of her new toys that Santa brought her.

So much has happened since our Christmas post. Miss K has started cereal. She caught on quick to swallowing and spitting stuff out. We are adding a new fruit or veggie every Saturday. So far sweet potatoes and green beans are a hit. Bananas, not so much. I hope to reintroduce those later and fake her out.
Our little girl is not so little. She turned 6 months on January 8 and went to the pedi dr. to get shots. She cried, but recovered quickly. She is 19 pounds and 27 in long. Both in the 95%. Her head is 17, and is in the 72%. We have got to transition her to her big girl car seat soon because I can barely lift her when she is in her infant carrier. We are debating price vs. safety ratings before we decide which ones to buy. We will buy two, one for each car. It is easier than hauling the car seat in and out of the vehicles everyday.
I started Weight Watchers at work on Dec 17th. I made it through Christmas with minimal damage. As of last week I have lost 7.2 pounds. I still have a ways to go, but I take it a week at a week at a time. I have begun working out (again) and am feeling better already. There is a group of us at work all doing WW in some variation, so we have started a support group. I told them I was able to lose the baby weight by the time I got back to work, so now I am moving on to the newlywed weight and then will have to tackle the fell in love weight.

Hank & I are launching our own rendition of the Biggest Loser. We got the idea form my friend, Holly. The winner for the week picks a task or chore for the other person to complete before the next weigh in. We both agreed NO SABOTAGING! No hauling B&J ice cream in the house.

This weekend Mike and Teresa Birmingham came to visit. Mike & Hank went to school together in New York. Mike is still in the service and will be deployed soon. Please keep him (and Teresa) in your prayers. We had a great visit with them along with their sweetie pie little boy, Jackson. He would come up to me and wrap his arms around my leg and smile up at me. Melt your heart. No wonder boys have their moms boonswaggled. As you can tell from the photo it is difficult to tell who is the kid and who is the 35 year old.

Well, you are now caught up on what the Johnson's are up to. Here is one more picture from Christmas. So, I know the new year has technically past, but you could look at it as I am early for the Chinese New Year!

Happy New Year!