Sunday, March 22, 2009
New Do....
Birthday Party
Saturday, March 21, 2009
A Dog's 15 Minutes of Fame

Friday, March 20, 2009
Hanging with my gnomies
Hank HATES gnomes. I mean Hates them. When we were getting to know each other one of his questions was "do you like yard art?" Little did I know then he really meant "Do you have gnomes in your yard?" If he had his way this is what he would do with all the gnomes of the world....A gnome Gitmo if you will.

Jane, never to be outdone gave Hank a t-shirt for his bday that said the "Slowly the garden gnomes are stealing my sanity." Now Hank loves that shirt and wears it quite often. Never has a statement been more true.
There is a point to this, I promise. So, when I was PG we went to OKC to spend Christmas with the Miles gang. Hank, being good natured, bought three colorful garden gnomes and began hiding them in the least suspecting places around Erin's house. One was in the kitchen and I forget where the others wound up. Knowing Hank in the bathroom on the toilet.
She kept referring to them as "My babies". It was pretty sweet. But not sweet enough to leave them in the front yard for decoration.
I really don't know what he has against them? Travelocity has been able to make a go of having a spokesgnome. They are pretty cute, especially when they are trying to make you laugh at breakfast.

Tuesday, March 17, 2009
Happy St. Patrick's Day!
Happy St. Patrick's Day!
May you always have walls for the winds,a roof for the rain, tea beside the fire,laughter to cheer you, those you love near you,and all your heart might desire.
As you can see Mr. Potato Head and Tater Tot are big in our house. Kenyon has graduated to a medium-sized bin to keep her spud family in. We are up to four adults and two little spuds. She will sit in our lap and play and play. What is really funny is watching her trying on the hats and sticking the facial parts up her nose like she is trying to put them on her. It is hilarious!
From our house to yours have a green St. Patrick's day with lots of potato heads, corned beef and ale to cure what "ails" you!
The O'Johnson's
Hank, Susan, Sara & Kenyon
Sunday, March 15, 2009

We have been casually working on potty training with Kenyon. The other day she managed to 'pooh" in her potty. It hasn't happened since, but we keep trying. We are not totally committed to hard core training yet. I know our friend Amy has the colored marshmallows in the ready for their potty training weekend. I haven't decided what method we will take. I guess I should do some reading.
Saturday, March 14, 2009
This is how we ride

Friday, March 13, 2009
Welcome Home, Sir

Ding Dong the Bratz are Gone!

I know these dolls are supposed to represent, exaggerated as they may be, a certain ethnic group. In my opinion(thank God my blog is not widely read because I would probably get hate mail) it doesn't do a very good job advancing the culture. If anything it digresses what many Latina women have worked for: beauty, grace, intelligence, and being a positive role model.

I know it is a different world than when I was a kid, walking to school in the snow uphill both ways, but are we doing our girls and their future partners any service by teaching them that sex sells and beauty (distorted as it may be) trumps brains every time?
Okay I have put away my soapbox. Just don't ask me about the Disney Princesses.
Thursday, March 12, 2009
Nana Came to Town

Notice her Pooh bear. Kenyon has developed a love for Poooohhh and Mo Mo, which is a good thing since it appears Jack from Jack's big music show on Noggin has been taken off the air.
Wednesday, March 11, 2009
Kenyon's Kitchen
Lori gave Kenyon a Mo Mo dress (Elmo) and loves to sleep in it and wear it over her PJ's. She also has two more Elmo outfits from Jane that are the next size up. It is funny how she has become attached to certain things. I had to hide a pair of sandals that were too big for her because she kept wanting to wear them. She even slept in one of them.
She loves a brown Gymboree sweater that she not only sleeps in but has dug out of the dirty clothes crusted with dried yogurt from the day before only to wear it to school. What can I say pick your battles. Hank said that the teachers have probably seen kids come to school with s@!t on them. I said fortunately we have never sent her to school like that. Now whether we have gone to work with s@!t on us is another thing.