Saturday, December 22, 2007

Birthdays, Boogers, and Bald Trees

Okay, it has been a crazy week or so. In my last post I said I thought we are in the clear as far as the RSV and Kenyon.....WRONG! Hank took her to the Dr. last Thursday and came home with a breathing machine (sorry, I don't think I can spell nebulizer) So we have been giving baby girl breathing treatments. It really is the saddest thing. I have to sing Old MacDonald to get her to focus and not pull the mask off. Poor baby has a bit of a chest rattle, but the amount of snot coming out of her nose has subsided.

Problem is, I got a major sinus infection/cold on Friday of last week, just in time for Hank to leave for Georgia. So, Kenyon and I spent the last weekend in our pjs, blowing our noses, and watching the Hallmark channel.

Hank had a great time in Georgia celebrating Sara's 10th birthday. She was very appreciative of Hank coming. Her party was at the skating rink in Griffin. He called me from the party. he was hanging out on the wall, I asked if he has his big comb in his back pocket. Ahhh, that brings back memories, Pink Floyd blaring, the sound of the wheels of your skates squeaking as you sped around the corners. These days they use in-line skates.
Hank managed to snap a few photos of Sara & her posse.

I finally finished shopping for the two families that we adopted at work. Between them they have 9 kids ranging from 2 months to 9 years. I did manage to get some of my own shopping completed while marking off the list for the kids.

We have had the Christmas tree up for two weeks, but it has been absent of ornaments. I did buy an ornament at work for Sara and it hung on the tree. We finally got it decorated this week.

Congratulations goes out to our neighbors, who became grandparents yesterday. Tom's daughter Mina and her partner Ben had a little girl by c-section. McKenzie Marie was 5lbs 13 oz. Mom and baby are doing well. We will go visit tomorrow if Mina is up to it. If you remember Tom and Lucy drove me to the hospital when I went into labor just 5.5 months ago. I told Mina she owed me for breaking them in. We had dinner with the four of them on Thursday night. Kenyon was able to ride in her stroller without the carrier. She thought she was such a big girl.
Kenyon will be introduced to cereal in the next week. Yesterday, she tried to grab my sandwich and cheetos off my plate at lunch yesterday. She and her Daddy came to visit me for lunch. She impressed everyone with how alert she was. She had a great time visiting, but fell asleep before Hank got her to the car.

Well, we all are on the road to recovery and are looking forward to our trip to Gtown on Wednesday. Stay tuned for our special Christmas Wishes blog. It should be posted tomorrow.

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