Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Rain Rain Go Away

Kenyon discovered the joys of playing in the rain. It came a downpour on Sunday and Hank & the girls were out in it. Kenyon came in yelling it was "Raining, Mommy". After looking out the window and talking about it raining. hank opened the front door and K went out on the porch to "look" (Editorial comment: you see where this is going?)
K wound up dashing out in the rain and standing in the water coming off the roof. She was squealing and dancing and splashing. Utter delight that only a child can possess. She loved it and was totally soaked by the time we dragged her back in the house to get in the bathtub.

1 comment:

Amy said...

so funny and cute. Jules loves to play in the rain too. Just this morning she told me (on the way to my sister's house) "I like rain."

Good thing!