Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Put Your Big Girl Panties on...

This is what a big girl looks like. Kenyon went for her two year appointment and the dr told me she is the size of a three -four year old. Tell me what I don't know. She weighs 34 pounds and is 36 inches tall. She has grown 5 inches in the last year.

She has her "heppie" (helper) chores she has assigned herself. She helps feed the dogs, carefully holding the food bowl with both hands trying not to spill. Same thing when cleaning her plate form the table. At first she would throw the plate in the garbage because that is what they do at school. Now it goes on the counter. She holds her plastic box while Hank picks the "matoes". Every Wednesday morning she collects the paper form the front yard when on her way to school. Finally she walks around the yard and point out the dog poop announcing "YUCKY!" so we can pick it up out of her way. She will be a CEO of a company, I know it because she is already managing all of us in the house - two and four legged.

Two weeks ago she was moved to the Preschool room at school - SIX MONTHS EARLY! Turns out she was more ready for it than me. I have quickly seen my sweet baby vanish and this strong independent young girl develop before my eyes.

In two weeks she can sing her ABCs every time she sees something with writing on it. She can count to 10 and when helped to 17. It is so cute when she says free and furteen. She sings patty cake almost everyday and coaches herself as to the things that she needs to do. If she wants milk we will tell her first bath then milk. Now she will sit around saying bath, milkie...or outside , no bath, milkie. Sometimes she will change the order putting what she really wants first to see if we are paying attention. I swear her vocabulary has tripled in two weeks. Now instead of "NO!" It's "I don't want it!"

The biggest growth has been the big girl panties. As of Monday she has been wearing panties at school. She had one accident on Monday, but has remained dry the last two. She naps in a pull up, but has been doing well otherwise. Yesterday when I went to get her the teacher told her to go potty before she left. She ran into the little bathroom, climbed up on the stool, dropped trow and sat down. I almost cried. She looked so grown up.

With or without me my baby is growing up. Every morning I am greeted with "Good Morning, Mommy how are you?" followed by a huge hug and a squeal and lots of kisses. That she will never be to old to do.

1 comment:

Amy said...

Isn't it amazing! We have little girls now... not babies! That was quick with the panties! She catches on fast.