Saturday, January 24, 2009

You know you are a mom when....

Despite carrying my beautiful child for almost 40 weeks it took me a while to feel like a "mom". I have had a few milestones that have reminded me that I am now the person that will forever be referred to as "Momma momma momma momma"

You know you are a mom when you are at work only to looked down at your clothes noticing the dried formula caked on your shirt and pants.

You know you are a mom when you are watching on the daycare cam the first week in the toddler room and she is sitting at the table not doing anything (reading, playing or talking) for over 15 minutes. Just sitting there. It is all you can do not to grab your purse and run out the door to sweep her up in your arms to tell her it will be okay. Instead you sit at your desk and try not to cry for her and for you.

You know you are a mom when you reach in your robe pocket and find a rock that made its way from the outside walkway and into her mouth. You swiftly executed the pry and sweep method of rock removal.

You know you are a mom when at the end of the day you see her crusty face light up as she runs open arms to you from across the room and you know that THIS is where you want to be.

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