Monday, January 21, 2008

I am the Walrus....

No teeth for Kenyon, yet, but she loves using her binky as a chew toy. She cracks me up with the different ways she finds to cram that thing in her mouth. She will stick her thumb all the way in the nipple part and carry it around that way. I don't mind because she doesn't drop it so much. The other day, she was playing on the floor with it stuck on her thumb and every once in a while she would stop and stick it in her mouth.
Hank & I did our first weigh in for the Biggest Loser. I have bookclub tonight so I told him he could have the rest of the ravioli for dinner, he accused me of trying to make him lose the contest. I told him whatever.
We were both off today so we went to the movies and saw P.S. I Love You. It was a very sweet movie. It was the first movie we went to see since the 8th month of my pregnancy. We went to childbirth class and then went to see Knocked Up. It was a baby themed day.

Kenyon is getting to be mobile, we need to babyproof the house. Jackson gave us a test over the weekend. She still can't sit up on her own, but she will lean on one hand and play with the other. It is funny. She has also discovered Hank's hat. She loves trying to grab it off his head.

Our girl has learned to stand on her own feet. Hank helped her stand and she hangs on to the edge of the Pack n Play. She is trying so hard to get moving and shaking well before we or the house is ready for her to be mobile. Our house is a death trap right now.
Uncle Omar and Aunt Emma gave Kenyon her A&M t-shirt for Christmas. I managed to get a snap shot of her wearing it for the first time, but then she had a blow-out and I had to change her.
Hank thought it was kind of funny that she pooped on A&M.

1 comment:

Amy said...

We think it's funny that she pooped on A&M too! ;-)