Saturday, April 30, 2011

Easter part two

We had a great Easter. Kenyon loved all the candy that was at her disposal. She immediately began popping open eggs and stuffing jelly beans, malted eggs, peanut butter cups etc into her mouth. If that isn't a good way to start the day I don't know what is except cake the morning after your birthday.

After Church we went to Nana & Paw Paw's for lunch and egg hunt with Candace and her boys. We are waiting the arrival of little Violet in a couple more weeks. Candace is ready to get that baby out.

The Easter Bunny brought another basket to Nana's house and scattered egg for the third egg hunt in a week. Here are the kids post egg hunt. Trying to get a 7, 3, & 2 year old to all look up at the camera at one time is nearly impossible.

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