Then you take a bite. Kenyon is learning how to eat a banana with the peel still attached. She hasn't quite figured out not to eat the peel.
Kenyon enjoyed her time with Poppy and Mimi. No dad didn't finally trade mom in as he has threatened to do so many times. Kenyon can't quite get Gammy out just yet.
Miss K continues to love watching Jack's Big Music Show on Noggin. She sings and dances during the opening. She even makes the dog barking sounds of Mel. Hank continues to guide her music lessons. Occasionally she will give the bugle a try, but she has really taken to the harmonica.
Sara returned safely from her Thanksgiving cruise to Mexico. She now wants a big stack of white towels for Christmas because she took a towel folding class while on the ship. I told her I had plenty of towels she could fold for me, but she quickly pointed out these were ANIMALS that she learned how to fold. She didn't see my humor. She is getting to that age where she finds so little about her parents to be funny. She is definitely moving into the 'Tween stage. I can't wait! (insert sarcasm here) I told Hank we were nuts for ever thinking we could survive having a toddler and a pre-pubescent kid in the house at the same time. Nobody warns you about this kind of stuff before having kids. It is more like, "Oh didn't anyone mention this to you?"
Anyway, we had a relatively uneventful turkey day. We took time to share it with friends and some family, even though Dad left skid marks on the road getting back home. We took time to count our blessings and extend a prayer or two. Hope you all had one filled with love and peace. Christmas will be here before we know it.