Kenyon was baptized on Sunday. We explained that Pastor Tom would sprinkle water on her head and say a prayer. After we clarified that she would not disappear, as if Pastor Tom was putting a spell on her (blame Disney), we told her that meant Jesus would be her BFF. She seemed happy with that. How else do you explain baptism to a four year old?

She did wonderfully, wasn't scared a bit. She was more concerned with showing off her "church necklace" during children's time. We got her a cross with pin cz stones in it. She loves it.
At the end of the service we officially joined the church, with Hank and & me transferring our membership from Baptist and Episcopalian to now Methodist. We wanted to wait until Sara was with us to join as a family. It was special for all of us. We have finally found our spiritual home, it has been a long journey - four years in the making, but we are home.
A special thanks as always to my dear, sweet, Amy for taking pictures and being Kenyon's Godmother. She and Jules are such a blessing to our family. And even though Aunt Erin & Uncle Chip couldn't be with us we know they will serve Kenyon well as Godparents too! My little girl is very lucky to be surrounded by such love.