I have been reading a lot laely and a theme seems to be appearing. Committed is the theme. One about marriage and the other about mental instituions. Now I am not saying that marriage and a mental institution for the criminally insane have anything to do with each other, although some might argue the fact.
I read Shutter Island for my work bookclub. I found it to be exciting and suspenseful. It was the first book I have read by Dennis Lehane. I have seen Mystic River and as of last night have seen Shutter Island. I refuse to see or read Gone Baby Gone. Don't want to see anything about a child disappearing.
I liked the book better than the movie because much of the back story was sterilized for the big screen. The last 40 pages of the book were going so fast my heart was racing and I could not read fast enough. DOn't miss a page or you will miss the whole twist unraveling coming to an end that leaves one guessing about their own sanity. If you are looking for a suspenseful read...give this one a try.
The second book I have read recently was Committed by Elizabet Gilbert. This is the follow up to Eat, Pray, Love. Being forced to marry Felipe in order of him to stay in the US she has to reconcile marriage with herself. She loves her man, but not the idea of a legal marriage. She does extensive research into marriage both in the US and in other cultures. I found the book to be educational and thought provoking. My copy is underlined and tagged on multiple pages.
I recommend this book for anyone married, about to be married, or divorced. I enjoyed the "What happened ?"aspect that you were left with after EPL finished. I look forward to her next book, which she is currently working on.
Both good books for very different reasons. The one common thing is that I found time to be committed to reading two books in a very short period of time. Of course it might have to do with the Fall season still weeks away on TV.