Yesterday we took Kenyon to the Bank's Children's Holiday Party. The planets aligned as we were able to make it on time. The fact we made it at all was a small miracle. Those of you with small children know what I am talking about. You have every intention of going somewhere, but then she won't take a nap, somebody blows out their diaper at the last second, and when you manage to get them strapped into the car they spend the first 25 minutes of a thirty minute trip screaming only to fall asleep as you are turning down the street of your appointed destination.

We made it fine and Kenyon was in a good mood until we tried to take her newly won hacky sack from her. Then she went limp and fell on the floor in front of my co-workers. We stood in a much shorter line to see Santa than we would have at the mall. We got up there and she was having nothing to do with him. I asked if she wanted to sit on Santa's lap and she said emphatically, "NO" accompanied with a strong head shake. This is Kenyon's first brush with Santa forever to remain immortalized.
Then we went to the fishing game, she wanted to crawl into the swimming pool WITH the ducks.

It made perfect sense to her, it is a pool, it has water and ducks, you crawl in. Luckily she only managed to get her hand in it before we spoiled her fun.
Kenyon had her first experience with a jump house. She liked it once she got the hang of it. She, however, spent more time on the ground than actual jumping. She had a great time nonetheless.

We didn't stay for the whole party, but she had a great time and wore herself out enough to take a catnap on the way home. So much for the life of a party girl.